8R7X DXPedition to Guyana – Video Presentation online!

The DXPedition to Guyana, 8R, has been a remarkable achievement! In early February 2024, a team of four young and enthusiastic amateur radio operators — Jamie Williams, M0SDV, Philipp Springer, DK6SP, Tomi Varro, HA8RT and Sven Lovric, DJ4MX — activated this rare DXCC entity, which was ranked 97th on the Club Log Most Wanted List.

Over the course of 10 days, the team operated on all bands from 160m to 10m, logging thousands of QSOs in CW, SSB, and digital modes like RTTY and FT8. Their operating site, located about 35 km southeast of Georgetown and just 15 km from the coast, provided excellent conditions for global signal propagation.

With four stations running 24/7 and strong local support, the team made it possible for countless operators worldwide to log Guyana. This expedition not only brought excitement to the amateur radio community but also demonstrated the dedication and teamwork of the operators involved.

For those interested in learning more, Philipp, DK6SP and Sven, DJ4MX have prepared a video presentation in German, offering insights into their experiences and the challenges they faced during the expedition.

Congratulations to the 8R team for this successful activation, and thank you for the hard work that made it possible!

For more details, visit: www.8R-2024.com